Delaware Bay to Bohemia River

Saturday, September 7. Day 59

Last night we set the alarm for 5am so that we would have 30 min to get ready to leave at 530am so that we would catch the rising tide at the end of Cape May Canal to ride the current up the Delaware Bay. I don’t know what happened, but we didn’t hear the alarm. I woke at 6am, “Oh My gosh we are late!” Phil said ” I wondered why we were bouncing around so much”. It was from the wake from the fishing boats leaving early. Being dark he thought that it was 3am and I wasn’t up yet so not to worry. Wrong! So we rushed around getting dressed warmly as it was a cold start to the day and lots of dew on the boat. We raised anchor at 610am entering the Cape May Canal at 624am. While in the canal, I made preparations down below for our passage, though we expected it to be a motor boat ride, it’s always good to have sandwiches made and breakfast fixed while you known it’s calm.

We entered the Delaware Bay at 651am with the current not much higher than the boat speed. But as we got further into the bay, the GPS speed increased starting at 713am. Thankfully we were only about 35 min behind our original enter the bay time and we had the positive current all the way up to the C&D Canal which we entered at 119pm (7h 10min) after traveling 51.2nm with max GPS speed of 8.3kts. The boat speed was between 5.9 to 6.25 kts. Two ships passed us and there was about 9 sailboats traveling up the Bay today, one that had AIS transponder on board. Of course there were the power boats too. After the initial entrance into the canal which caused a drop in speed, we continued with a GPS speed in the upper 7’s. We had planned on stopping in Chesapeake City to anchor, but the basin was filled being a Saturday and only 3pm so we continued on. There was also plenty of power boat traffic on the canal, so we were constantly steering the boat to minimize the impact of the wakes.

We exited the C&D canal about 325pm and decided to anchor in the first river south which turned out to be Boheming River. In Veazey Cove, we dragged the first time we dropped the anchor but the 2nd time with 60ft of anchor in 8 ft of water did the trick. We were anchored at at 410pm with the snubber hook set. BTW have I mentioned how much I like our new Mantus hook? It’s easy to put on and hasn’t fallen off once. Much better I think than our old one.

I had put a chicken and rice casserole in the oven at 315pm when we decided to continue on while still in the canal, but it still needed to cook for another hour so the first order of business was to set up the Sunshower. The water didn’t heat up yesterday in the Sunshower, so I was dying to have one while it was still warm outside AND the water was warm! Boy did it feel good to be clean! Then I put up the Breeze Bandit wind scoop to see if it worked with low winds.

After supper at 530pm, we relaxed in the cockpit. This seems to be a popular summer place to hang out in your boat as there were 2 house boats rafted together playing music and having a small party. There is also a small beach nearby and some event going on in a field behind the beach as there was music playing and many cars and what we thought a large amount of people getting together, though it was hard to be sure due to trees in the way.

I was able to talk to my parents on the phone and we hope to meet up while they are traveling south to their winter home somewhere around Swansboro just south of Beaufort, NC. As they will be more mobile than us, will see where we can meet up in October. I also spoke to my niece Heather who we will visit over the next few days about where to anchor. We will make some calls tomorrow to see if there is a yacht club or marina that has a dinghy dock we can use. It turns out that Wilson Point Park can be used only during the day. I found a good web site to search for marinas where we see photos of them, there locations on the charts and their phone number to call them, so we have a few choices to pick from. We are targeting to anchor in Hopkins Creek with 8ft depth and good protection all around as it looks like the wind will be clocking around to all directions during our stay.

We have the good news that Katie got a new job with orientation to start on Monday while she continues her schooling at Lakeland CC.

It was a beautiful sunset tonight and we hope for good weather tomorrow with the wind picking up some in the afternoon. We have about 32nm to travel tomorrow, much less than the 59.9nm boat and 71.0 GPS miles we covered today, so hope to arrive there early afternoon. The tidal current may be against us tomorrow instead of with us today.

After visiting Heather, we will go to Solomons Is, MD and then start going up the Potomac River to Washington D.C. We heard that the Capital Yacht Club is very welcoming and the trip is worth making even though it will take us 2-3 days to go up the Potomac. Phil’s cousins live there and I want to see some of the museums and memorials. It’s been MANY years since I was last there.

I hope everyone is having a nice fall and that you enjoyed the Labor Day weekend! Thank you for all your comments! I love getting them!

12 thoughts on “Delaware Bay to Bohemia River

  1. Depending on the last time you were in DC, you may be disappointed.

    I spent 2 years in DC, 68-69, when I was in the Navy. I was very impressed with the Mall area between the Capital Building and the Lincoln Memorial. It was beautiful, the grounds were green and immaculately kept. The National Museums were also a source for hours of wonderment and enjoyment.

    I returned to DC about ten years ago to revisit a few of the museums. I was very disappointed with the Mall, it was very unkempt. In many areas where there was well kept grass, there was bare dirt or brown dying grass. Although there were trash containers around, many people obviously didn’t use them. I almost sympathized with them, why bother. Many buildings had been blocked from street view with large stone blocks, presumably to defend against terrorists. It reminded me of a dying city neighborhood.

    Another thing the bothered me terribly, perhaps just a reflection of the nature of our government today, was a huge McDonalds built into the Air & Space Museum. That was even more offensive than the many commercial advertisements in the exhibits that said to the effect of, “ this exhibit is sponsored by xyz company.”

    It is too bad that it is not what it used to be.


  2. Hello Guys!
    Sounds like you are once again having the trip of a lifetime….we envy you! We had the Power Boaters Breakfast yesterday , it was very good and well attended. We all talk about you & update others on your travels. So stay safe…we miss you. Dodi & Jerry


    • So good to hear from you! Glad that the Power Boaters breakfast was well attended. We will be in the states until end of November so would welcome anyone going south that may be along the east coast along the way to give us a call to see if we can meet up. Phil’s cell phone is the home phone in the roster and mine is the cell phone. Hope everyone is well and take care!


  3. If, by chance, you need a place to stop closer to the mouth of the Potomac, look at the Point Lookout marina. Beautiful bay to anchor, nIce people and restaurant, fuel dock and good mechanics if needed. I have enjoyed following fellow Ohioans progress
    Mike Reed
    S/V Zoe. (New Philadelphia and Annapolis)


    • Thanks for the information. Took a look at your blog and enjoyed reading it. I hope that most of your boat problems are fixed. Would be nice to meet while we are on the Chesapeake but we aren’t planning on stopping in Annapolis this year. Phil has the bug now to go to St. Michaels to see a maritime museum. We’ll see. Plans change quickly when cruising.


  4. Look up Judy and Irwin on a Gemini cat named Speck if you get to DC. Good friends that were here two weeks ago

    Sent from my iPhone


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